: 76-86
Department of Architecture and Conservation National University “Lviv Polytechnick”

The article considers the characteristic features and distinctness of the
artistic design of representative rooms of public buildings in Lviv in second half of 19th
century. Traced the main factors that influenced their formation, both architecturally and
artistically. Highlighted in detail the Viennese historicism and its features in interior
decoration, which is had influenced and reflected to the Lviv’s public buildings. For a more
detailed analysis of the artistic structure, a representative sample was made of key public
buildings, both, in Lviv and their analogues in other cities of the empire. There are was
included: theaters, universities, Sejms and parliaments, museums, courts and other
buildings, which have a wide representative group of premises. Also highlighted there are
common trends, direct and indirect quotations, both in the artistic elements and in the
overall composition. In addition, was also show up the key figures in art and architecture
who were active in the second half of the 19th century in Lviv who made a significant
contribution to the formation of the artistic arrangements of public buildings. Instead, was
indicate and considered main impact factors: administrative, cultural, artistic, social and
educational. There was administrative influence, both direct and indirect. Along with
funding from imperial exchequer, the facts of straight directives on the style of decoration
of representative premises are known. There was also a direct influence on the formation
of schools, workshops and in general on the field of architecture and art. Another important
factor is that, both the elites and society was focused in the all spheres of life on the capital
of the empire. Especially in the culture, architecture and art. For conclusions, in stylistic
terms, the artistic design of representative public buildings in Vienna followed the pan-
European tendency of historicism, but stood out in its characteristic features. Since Lviv
was part of the administrative structure of the Austrian part of the empire, by analogy with
the capital, it had a corresponding list of key public buildings. Comparative analysis reveals
many similarities, from the layout of the premises, to the decorative and applied elements
of artistic design, and in some cases there is a direct citation. Among the main factors are
administrative, cultural, educational and economic, which are manifested both in the form
of directives and in socio-cultural imitation the current trend at that time in architecture
and art.

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