National university “Lviv polytechnic”
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Architecture and Conservation

Authors of the article consider two important aspects of the organization of the urban
environment. The first, the possibility of compaction of buildings by the method of small singlefamily
houses construction. And the second, possibility of preserving the architectural
character of historic cities, which largely suffer from poorly designed and commercially
attractive buildings.
Ultra-small single-family houses have a list of important qualities: they provide the
minimum household needs of residents, are privately owned, can meet the author's request.
Economically, the construction of such houses is also profitable, because investment is
achievable for Ukrainian realities. The second aspect is building planning. The very issue of
the availability of ultra-small private buildings may be of interest to the city authorities, as they
may also act as investors in the planned reorganization of existing neighbourhoods.
For historic small towns, the imperfection of street space reorganization and large-scale
housing construction is fatal. After all, violation of the ratio of height, parcelling of
neighbourhoods, the general architectural character of the building leads to the loss of the
object of protection - the most important aspect of the implementation of monument protection
regulations. In addition to strengthening the documentary and regulatory status, the
environmental aspect is important - what exactly a person sees while being in the protected
area. The restoration process in Ukraine, in particular in the town of Zhovkva, is rather slow,
as state priorities are not aimed at restoring cultural heritage. However, commercial activities
and construction do not stop, and the regulation of these processes is deliberately not
How to get out of the situation when the town for development needs to meet the needs
of residents in housing so as not to violate the general nature of the historic environment?
Introduce modern approaches to building compaction: modernization of existing Soviet
buildings, which were built within the historic area, and construction of small private houses.
Modernization of the existing two-storey Soviet building compensates with small funds the
modern needs of residents in comfortable housing, along with the possibility of reorganizing
the street space to a more visually attractive. And the new construction is the construction of
degraded and “gray” areas of the quarter building, so as to maintain the integrity of the street
front and the prospects of reviewing the historic environment.
For the town of Zhovkva it is potentially important to preserve the nature and quality of
the urban environment. Areas that fall within the plan of regeneration and reconstruction of
the historic environment will be developed taking into account the architectural and historical
requirements, and those that are tangential and related can be developed in the direction of
modern small-scale construction. For the town it is important not only the external frame, but
also to ensure a comfortable and safe life of the residents themselves, whose modern needs are
gradually moving to minimalism. These examples of buildings can be integrated into the fabric
of the town of Zhovkva without spatial losses, otherwise - to prevent the consolidation and
spread of street space. In addition to the new building, it is important for the town to modernize
and reorganize the existing two-storey building, re-equip the existing housing stock.
Redevelopment of existing Soviet buildings into private ones with the possibility of an extension
will significantly improve the organization of the street environment and the quality of living.
The advantages of such decisive action are the maintenance of the general nature of planning
and historical parcelling of neighborhoods, as a result of the projected improvement of the
urban environment.

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