: 6-15
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

The historical castle complex in the village Pniv of Ivano-Frankivsk region - an architectural monument of national importance. The castle complex is unique in its planning and spatial structure, which to this day in fragments preserved. However, every year the surviving authentic elements more and more are destroyed. The reason is the influence of anthropogenic and natural factors. The issue of preservation of the Pniv castle complex has been relevant for a long time. Saving such a "diamond of architecture" is important for national identity. It is necessary to develop proposals for functional adaptation. The purpose of these proposals is to preserve the historical castle complex.

An analysis of examples of foreign and domestic scientific experience and implemented projects of functional adaptation of historical castle complexes carried out. The most promising direction of use for the Pniv castle complex is tourism and recreation. The most important thing is to create constant interest in potential visitors. This can be achieve by taking into account three levels of perception - cognitive, emotional and behavioral. The cognitive level is aim at conveying certain historical facts to visitors. These events and figures should be associated with the Pniv historical castle complex. The emotional level is aim at realizing the value of cultural heritage. The behavioral level encourages the appreciation of authentic features, originality, and traditions. These features are reflect in the specifics of the architecture and fortification of the Pniv castle complex. Means of information transmission can be diverse. These tools should affect the sensors of the sense organs - vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, etc. When preparing certain activities, it is desirable to use all sensors. Visuals perceive visual materials well. Audials will be able to absorb what they hear. Kinesthetics give meaning to emotions and feelings. According to this information, functional adaptation measures are planne for the Pniv historical castle complex. These activities are aim at experiencing an interesting experience and positive expectations of visitors from staying on the castle grounds.

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