In a period of extreme political instability and the threat of constant enemy attacks, people looked for a means of security. This basic need became the main factor in the evolution of the stages of existence of historical castle complexes. Later, the threat of internal and external attacks from outsiders and feudal neighbors decreased due to the strengthening of royal power. Such changes in the military and political situation became the main reason for the beginning of the decline of castle complexes. By order of the ruling authorities, some castle fortifications and structures were destroy partially or completely. This done in order to prevent possible military uprisings. The loss of the original functional purpose led to the absence of the necessary repair measures of the castle complexes. The constant influence of wind, precipitation and seasonal temperature changes caused the destruction of many unique objects of cultural heritage. Thus, until our time, most of the historical castle complexes have survived in fragments.
The first step for the preservation of objects of cultural heritage is the search for a new modern functional adaptation. The main goal of functional adaptation is to enrich and complement the historical environment of castle complexes. At the same time, an important condition is the preservation of authenticity. The requirements for the integration of new functional elements into the formed historical environment of castle complexes are regulate by legislative and regulatory documents. The concepts of perspective development of the authentic through the integration of the modern based on two principles. The first principle is the maximum preservation of the character of the historical layout of the castle complex. The second principle is the protection of the conditions of species disclosure and visual connections of the complex with the surrounding buildings and natural environment. During the integration of new functional elements into the authentic environment of historical castle complexes, differentiation of these elements is carry out. This differentiation based on a rather broad interpretation of the concept of "function". At the same time, it is envisage combining several of the most promising functions to reveal the potential of a specific object of cultural heritage.
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