The article consistently reveals the discovery of traces of historical fortifications in the modern planning structure of the Zolochiv in the Kharkiv region and the study of the planning that was formed during the existence of the fortress. The purpose of the study is to supplement knowledge about the cultural and historical potential of a populated place at the present stage of development and its modern recreational use. For this purpose, the results of a study of bibliographic and archival sources (historical descriptions and cartographic and iconographic materials are presented), a field study of the central part of the village to identify traces of ancient fortifications are presented. The article provides data on the latest scientific publications of historians and architects on research issues.
Based on the historical and urban planning analysis of the formation of Zolochev, its planning and spatial structure, retrospective schemes of the most significant stages in the development of Zolochev were made. There are 5 such stages: before 1683, before 1784, after 1787, in 1910 and at the end of the 20th century. The first 3 periods of development of a populated place are directly related to the existence of a settlement surrounded by fortifications of a defensive and administrative nature.
Since the 19th century the planning structure laid down by the plan of 1787 is generally preserved, but the defensive rampart is completely lost, falling under construction. Buildings on the left bank are growing, by the quarters of the end of the XVIII century. new ones are added from the south, north and east, continuing the preliminary layout scheme.
Historically, the territory of the city in the 17th - 18th century was regulated by ramparts, ditches and main roads coming out of it in two directions. Shafts and ditches have not survived to the present, but influenced the layout of the streets of the modern village. Earth ramparts of the fortress of the XVII century. and 1787 were destroyed in the 19th century. Remains of defensive ramparts of the 17th century. traced in the form of elongated elevations along modern streets. The planning grid of mutually perpendicular streets of the former settlement of Dovgalovka and the fan-shaped layout of the streets of the settlement of Aksenovka have been preserved.
The results of the study of cultural heritage can be used to increase the level of attractiveness of existing recreational resources through a fragmentary restoration recomposition of wooden fortifications of the 17th century.
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