Requirements for proceedings

General requirements

The manuscripts must be submitted in files created in Microsoft Word.

Main text: text Font - Times New Roman Cyr 12-point,  spacing - 1.1. Sheet A4 format (210x297 mm).

Page format A4 (210x297 mm). Margins:  left - 2,5 cm, right - 2,3 cm, above - 2,5 cm, bottom - 3,5 cm.

Mirror margins.

Heading 1,6 cm,  footing – 3,2 cm.

Pages are not numbered.


The titles of the tables are centered (12-point font, bold).  The word «Table  ___» should be placed with right alignment, in italics. The text in table is 1o-point font.


Formulas are presented using Microsoft Equation 3.0 and numbered in parentheses to the right of the text.


Figures should be created in Microsoft Office or inserted in raster formats TFF, PCX, BMP at a resolution of 300 dpi. The inscriptions under figures are executed in font Times New Roman Cyr 12-point. Figures created in Microsoft Word must be grouped together as one object.


The list of references (no more than four sources) is given at the end of the publication in italics (the word "References" is not given). In the text of proceedings reference to the used sources is obligatory.

In the first line of proceeding, the initials and surnames of the authors are indicated on the right (font - 12-point, bold). The next line is the place of work of the authors (on right). Then, through the line, the name of proceeding  in capital letters (font - 15-point, bold), centered. Through the line - the main text of proceeding.