Relevant requirements for the articles submitting to the collection of articles «Current Issues in Research, Conservation and Restoration of Historic Fortifications»
The scientific articles that haven’t been published before can be accepted for publication in a scientific edition. They must be dedicated to the following subjects:
- «Archeological investigation of the ancient, medieval and early modern fortifications»;
- «Architecture of the defense buildings and edifices»;
- «Urban development and the problems of fortified cities regeneration»;
- «The problems of conservation, restoration, museumfication and reconstruction of the defense buildings and works of art;
- «Marking the historic battles location»;
- «Military history»
The bulk of the article script: 6 – 10 pages of the А-4 (the quantity of symbols in the whole article together with the blanks – 15 – 25 thousand).
The article language: Ukrainian, Polish, English.
General requirements for the presentation of the article script:
- Sheet format A4 210×297 мм). Indentions: left – 1.8 cm, right – 2.5 cm, from above – 2cm, from below – 2.7 cm. Mirror margins.
- Running titles: header – 1.25 cm, footer – 1.6 cm.
- Type – Times New Roman Cyr, size of type – 11 pt, interval – 1.15.
- The text is aligned relative to the page width.
- The page numbers are not put.
- The inside textual references and bibliography are presented per Harvard system, submited in a source language accompanied by Latin transliteration.
- The articles are presented in the format of *.doc.
- The name of the file should include the number of publication subject and the surname of the first author written in Latin (for instance: 6_Avramenko.doc – is submitted on the theme «design»).
The article structure:
- UDC index (alignment left, without indentions, bold type)
- Information about the authors
- initial letters of the author and joint authors (alignment right, bold type)
- position and employment place, city (alignment right, italic type)
- e-mail: (alignment right)
- orcid (alignment right)
- The title of the article (alignment centered without indentions, size of type – 14 pt, bold type, all the types of the title – capital)
- Copy-write (alignment left without indentions, italics
- Abstract (Word amount 50 – 100 words, language – Ukrainian, italics, bold type, alignment left – 1 cm, pgh – 1 cm)
- Keywords (in a quantity not more than 6 words or word combinations, language — Ukrainian, italics, bold type, alignment left – 1 cm, pgh – 1 cm)
- Information about the authors
- Problem statement (Introduction)
- Analysis of recent research and publications
- Objective of the article
- Results and discussions
- Illustrations are accepted in the format of *.jpg або *.png. with the 300dpi expansion of the size of printing representation. Representations are presented in the table contents, illustration inscription is given below the presentation in a separate square and the reference or the author’s photo should be given in brackets. Center alignment without indentions, size of type 10 pt., italics. The figures are numbered and the references to them are presented in the text like (Fig. 1).
- The tables are given without flood filling and without vertical lines. The type of the table should meet the type of the article. The table title and its number – right alignment above the table.
- Formulae are presented by the formulae redactor MS Equation, alignment center, formula numbering is placed at the end of the line.
- Conclusions
- Bibliography (in source language)
- Reference (in Latin with the translation of the title and transliteration of the other parts of the reference)
- References should be done to the articles published in the scientific-metric editions or monographs;
- While referring to the publication of the scientific-metric editions one should mention DOI articles.
- It is allowed only argued reference to the previous author’s publications;
- It isn’t recommended to refer to the theses or internet material with the screen title, etc.;
- Information about the authors (in English, the same design as at the beginning of the article)
- Article title (in English, the same design as at the beginning of the article)
- Copy-write (in English, the same design as at the beginning of the article)
- Abstract (the scope of 1800-2000 symbols, in English, the same design as at the beginning of the article)
- Key words (in English, the same design as at the beginning of the article)
Authors submit to the editorial board:
- Electronic version of the article (together with the scanned revise certificate, filled in and signed by the author), one can give the disk with the article or send it via Email at the electronic address of the edition (
- One copy of the article in contrast printing with the signature of the author (authors) on the first page and the signature of the scientific supervisor or the head of the structural subsection, where the author works.
- Revise certificate filled in and signed by the author (authors)
- Extraneous opinion with the attested signature written by the expert with the degree of PhD candidate or Doctor of Science. The opinion must highlight the description of research object, actuality of the work, scientific novelty, the importance of the obtained results, recommendation and proposal for the publication in Visnyk. The scope of the opinion — not less than one full page.
For the extraneous authors in addition:
- Request letter from the organization authority where the author works or studies addressed to the pro-rector of scientific work of Lviv National Polytechnic university prof. N. Chukhray for publication of the article in this Collection of articles or the expert opinion of the institution, where the author works that contains the conclusion concerning the possibility to publish the materials of the article in a free press.