The paper presents the results of the interference noises research in transmission systems (TS) by VDSL2 technology when working on “twisted pair” cables. The research was carried out by analytical modeling of VDSL2-systems with frequency plan B8-6 [998-M2x-B] on UTP Cat.5e 4x0.5 cable using traditional orthogonal harmonic signals (OHS) and generalized class orthogonal harmonic signals of (GC OHS). The values of interference noise were evaluated in relative values as a percentage of the effective values of interference noise/signal. The paper presents three-dimensional graphs of the dependence of the distribution on the channels of the interference noise values when changing the line length from 100 to 500 meters. The optimal values of the integration start sample by the criterion of the minimum arithmetic mean for all information channels of the interference noise, the dependences of the distribution of interference noise on the channels of VDSL2 TS using traditional OHSs and GC OHSs. The dependence of interference noises in the VDSL2 TS channels depending on the line length, the type of orthogonal harmonic signals and the direction of transmission is analyzed. The efficiency of application of the generalized class orthogonal harmonic signals in comparison with traditional OHSs is proved.
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