The article describes the optimization of the process of disaster recovery of information infrastructure services by implementing the ability to restore service functionality without requiring a full recovery from backup storage. It outlines the criteria and parameters of the network that have a critical impact on recovery in the event of emergencies, allowing for the assessment of the solution's effectiveness in post-disaster recovery. A modification to the MTTR (Mean Time To Recovery) parameter is proposed for cases involving system element recovery from a backup or through service configuration restoration via infrastructure as code, with data necessary for service operation retrieved from backup storage, thereby accelerating the recovery process of a failed information infrastructure service. The article presents a scheme for infrastructure recovery organization by creating a backup location (Cold Site) for local infrastructure using dedicated cloud providers. The proposed solution utilizes Proxmox Backup Server capabilities for regular backups of critically important data center components. Following the development of a flowchart for the service recovery method from the Cold Site, research findings indicated that, for some services, reinstating configurations from code is more advantageous and speeds up the recovery process more than complete service restoration from backup storage.
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