The software stochastic model of operating behavior of failure-resistant systems with majority type of voting {3 of 5} is intended for information technology design of communication or technological systems of critical infrastructure facilities. In the proposed software stochastic model of a fault-tolerant majoritarian system besides the reliability indices of core and majoritarian modules (intensity of failures), indices of control and switching device functionality, limitation of the number of reserve modules, the effect of aging (exhaustion of the operational resource) is taken into account. Since module aging corresponds to the growth of failure rate after a certain duration of their operation, we show a method of accounting for this growth in the stochastic model. The method is based on the hypothesis that the failure of the first module in the core of a majoritaria structure “informs” about the proximity of exhaustion of the operational resource and other modules of the core. Therefore, it is wrong to suppose that after replacement of the faulty reserve module, the other kernel modules have an initial service life. A structural-automatic model of operational behavior of fault-tolerant majority-type systems, which constitutes a software stochastic model, has been developed. Validation studies of the stochastic model have been performed.
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