With the advance in computer technology during the last decade digital
photogrammetry has become operational and is gaining more and more acceptability.
Especially the ability to display geo- and height-refernced digital orthophotos on the
monitor of digital workstations has given us a very powerful tool for multipurpose mapping. Screen-digitization offer a practically unlimited scope for data aquisition, as the full content of the aerial photograph is available for interpretation and mapping. The applicability of the digital orthophoto is demonstrated on some executed projects.
1. Otto von Gruber: Ferienkurs in Photogrammetrie. S. 11-55. Verl. Wittwer 1930.
2. E. v. Orel: Der Stereoautograph zur automatischen Ermittlung von Komparatordaten. Mitt, der K.u.K.Mil. Geographischen Instituts, Wien 1911, Seite 30. 3. O. v. Gruber: Der Stereoplanigraph der Firma ZeiZ Zeitschr. f. Instrumentenkunde, 43. Bd 1923 S. 1-16
4.* Helava's proto-type o f an analytical plotter. NRC Ottawa 1962 ** Photogrammetric Congress 1976 in Helsinki, where Wild, Zeiss-Oberkochen, Zeiss-Jena and the NRC of Canada exhibited the first analytical plotters at an operational performance level.
5. T.J. Blachut: A Dynamic Land Information System Based on Multipurpose
Cadastre. Publication No 483 of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History. Post Box 11879, Deleg. Migual Hidalgo J 1870 Mexico DF, 1995. No ISBN number.
6. D. G. Haumann: Digital aerotriangulation on the Helava Digital Scanning Workstation: DSW-100 SPIE 2646 Digital PbotogrammeUy and Remote Sencing'95
Eugeny A. Fedosov, Editor. ISBN 0-8194-2019-0
7. Practical Experience with Digital Aerotriangulation. Photogrammetrische Woche
(45, 1995, Stuttgart) 1995 Herbert Wichmann Verlag. ISBN 3-87907-277-9