About the features of the device signal pipes of asymutal horizontal type III instrument

Poltava gravimetric observatory of the Institute of Geophysics NAS of Ukraine named after S.I. Subotin; Lviv Polytechnic National University
Poltava gravimetric observatory of the Institute of Geophysics NAS of Ukraine named after S.I. Subotin

The peculiarity of the system of the azimuthal horizontal instrument type III

lies in fact that there are two terrestrial telescope tubes with a combined eyepiece

part. One of these tubes is the right and another is the coude one. The specificity of

the determination of the value of the micrometric screw R for both tubes is

described briefly. It is recommend, the Rct for the coude terrestrial telescope tube

from observations of a pairs for scream evaluation of direct or indirect methods to

determine firstly, and the Rrt for the right terrestrial telescope tube from the

combine observations of a scale azimuth mark to determine afterwards.

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