About expediency of creation in Ukraine of several points of compatible astronomical, geodetic and geophysical observations in deep vertical mines

Poltava gravimetric observatory of the Institute of Geophysics NAS of Ukraine named after S.I. Subotin; Lviv Polytechnic National University

It is proved the expediency of creation in Ukraine of several stations of joint astronomical, geodetic and geophysical observations (JAGGO), in which determinations of coordinates, gravity, Earth’s surface inclinations, heights would be refered to the one and the same geometric centre. It is noted that the results of such determinations are necessary for the study of the Earth’s figure evolution, the temporal geoid surface changes, the Earth’s surface tectonic motions, for geodynamical phenomena predictions. The JAGGO stations are convenient for fixing of terrestrial reference frames origins. It is particularly noted that only deep vertical pit is suitable type of construction in which may create JAGGO stations.

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