New method for determining the impact of random and systematic errors on the accuracy of high-altitude networks (on the example of the state level network of the 1st class of Ukraine)

Department of Higher Geodesy and Astronomy of Lviv Polytechnic National University

The new algorithm was proposed for the determination of total quantitative characteristics of 3 groups of errors, which effect within whole measurement cycle in leveling networks: 1) random errors, 2) systematic errors, 3) errors caused by the Earth’s surface deformations. The algorithm is based on recursive formulas. The technique was tested in the case of the Ukrainian State Leveling Network. It was determined from the last cycle of measurements (1971 - 1993) that the errors for 1 km of a leveling trace are the following: the random error - 0.49 mm, the systematic error - 0.06 mm, and the error caused by the Earth’s surface deformations -0.015 mm/year.

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