This paper highlights the gradual steps of GNSS meteorology realization. The structure of GNSS meteorology is represented in the introduction in general. The main feature of it is that the neutral atmosphere delays the passage of GNSS signal, causing the error in the measured distance is called tropospheric delay. If in geodesy a lot of efforts have been put to reduce this error to a desired level, then for meteorology this error was used as an important source of information about the state of moisture accumulation in atmosphere and its dynamics in space and time. The next sections describe the basic equation of code pseudo-distance with the transition to the value of tropospheric delay. Then using a mapping function the transition from GPS tropospheric delay to its zenith value is shown. As well as there are given the calculation formulas of zenith tropospheric delay both by integration of vertical profiles of basic meteorological parameters and using the surface atmospheric pressure only. Further a transition from GPS tropospheric delay to its zenith value with use a mapping function is shown. A procedure for obtaining of the wet component of zenith tropospheric delay from GPS observations and formulas for the determining of average temperature of weighted water vapor and integrated as well as precipitable water vapor are described.
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