The purpose of this paper is to develop an algorithm of regular averaging time series VTEC to investigate the daily course of ionospheric parameters with the use of empirical methods of analysis. Methodology. In order to improve the preparation of data which was used for the construction regional model of the ionosphere, we carry out the averaging parameter VTEC at 17 stations on the ZAKPOS network. We define the value of the parameter VTEC using the algorithm created by authors for 25 days in 2013. Results. Based on these studies, we have developed a technique for the regular averaging parameter VTEC around the grounds and time and their mean square deviations were calculated. Investigated the dynamics of the averaged VTEC values for the period from 131 to 161 days in 2013 for a 17-station network of ZAKPOS. Calculated that compensate VTEC for GNSS-measurements on different days advisable to carry approximately 50 minutes after the index reached a minimum VTEC values. Originality.Scientific novelty is the improvement of our early proposed method for determining the ТЕС, that is most optimal for implementation in real time in solving problems of coordinate support. Practical significance. It were made the conclusions relating to the recommendations as to what time of day it is expedient to carry out GNSS-measurement to achieve appropriate accuracy of the results. Offered technique of averaging we recommend to use for improvement of the model of the ionosphere on the territory of Western Ukraine.
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