Purpose. Cadastral land zoning is one of the important components of creating a cadastral system in Ukraine, which helps to create an attractive investment climate and to define the priority areas of sustainable economic development of the territories. To a large extent, in our view, these issues are not fully resolved for the lands outside the settlements. In view of the fact that Ukraine is an associate member of the European Union we should take into account in the cadastral land zoning the requirements of European and international standards about the qualification and codification of administrative-territorial structure of the state, types of economic activities and more. All these issues are relevant now and require the proper investigation. Methods. The methods of analytical analysis and systematic approach on creation of logically grounded scheme of cadastral land zoning are based on the basis of conducting the researches. Results. The system of cadastral land zoning outside the settlements is improved by the formation of cadastral numbers, cadastral zones and cadastral districts at the international and national legal framework. Scientific novelty. It was proposed to determine cadastral number of land plot on the basis of the International Standard ISO 3166-2. Cadastral zones outside the settlements make up the categories of land, and cadastral districts – targeted use of the land. The practical significance. The conducted theoretical researches and practical recommendations allow to integrate the cadastral system of Ukraine in the European and global space.
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