Purpose. The purpose of the research is to construct economic and mathematical models by regression analysis, which will determine not only the best model for valuation of this particular sample, but also to establish principles of modelling the value real estate prices on the basis of known peers. Realization of the algorithm of regression analysis must begin with the construction of the matrix of paired sample correlation coefficients. The calculation and analysis of the correlation coefficients will allow to communicate the value of each of the factors. Methodology. The method is based on the method of dendrogram using the space compression factors. For the purpose of select the method of grouping of real estate is expedient conduct a comparative analysis and testing various methods of of cluster analysis. Results. Executed researches demonstrate the importance of using clustering methods for the introduction in Ukraine the cadastral valuation of real estate. The quality of economic and mathematical models define the characteristics of the adequacy, sustainability and usefulness models, which can be interpreted as approval of the information that describes the functionality of the model. Originality. Completed studies allow to obtain the final evaluation model to assess the invaluable objects of any cluster. Construction of the model includes a thorough collection of market information and detailed analytical processing. During the constructing a model in order to obtain the optimal variant of the model is proposed to reduce the number of factors by using multi-stage regression analysis. Practical significance. Implemented construction of evaluation models by regression analysis and quality control evaluation on the example of Lviv region. The research are useful for towns of Ukraine in order to determine the cadastral value of real estate.
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