The substantiation of land plot configuration data at peer exchange

: pp. 100-111
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

Purpose. In current social and economic conditions configuration of land plots is one of the most important characteristics of peer land exchange. The purpose of the research is data substantiation which allows to contrast land plots to be exchanged by preset criteria. Methodology. Contrastive analysis of the most common factors characterizing the land plot configuration has been carried out. The exclusive role of land as the production means and spatial basis has been taken into consideration. Respectively, land plot configuration is valuated as a technological precondition. With this aim, the notion of configuration from the point of view of agricultural and inhabited locality land plots usage has been scrutinized. The analysis of these factors calculation for land plots of various configuration has been carried out considering the extent to which form, length, compactness, crooked limits and possibilities for taking into consideration the useful area at defining the area of peer land plots during land exchange according to the existing approaches  has been carried out. Results. Main characteristics of configuration with the help of which it is possible to valuate land plots as the peer ones for exchange from the point of view of usage have been singled out. A formula for crooked limits and alignment factors calculation, the usage of which meets the requirements of the land plot configuration characteristics from the point of view of peer land exchange calculation has been suggested. Scientific novelty. The effectiveness of alignment factor for land plot configuration at peer land exchange has been substantiated. Practical significance. Usage of the developed in research alignment factor allows to take into consideration land plot configuration at comparison during exchange. Thus, usage of the factor at peer land exchange calculation in large-scale measures on the existing land ownership and land tenure improvement at land owners' individual initiatives within the existing legislation is viable. Results of the research can be used in the future scientific works.

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