The aim. The aim of this research is a conceptual approach processing and elaboration of methodological designing principles of the interactive web application “Sites of commemoration of the Ukrainian revolution 1917-1921”, its structure and content; processing of a project implementation technical plan. Methods and results of work. The Ukrainian revolution 1917-1921 became a significant step in the history of Ukrainian state formation. An effective way to inform the society about these events is publishing and spreading through the Internet of the interactive cartographic web application, developed by means of Geographic Information System technologies. The principles of organization of the information about the sites of commemoration of the Ukrainian revolution have been processed and data distribution in two levels has been suggested: time-based (three forms of state government are established in chronological order) and event-based (within these forms of state government). Geological Information System is considered not only as a set of geoprocessing and geodata management tools, but also as a method of communication and information delivery to users through the Internet. The ESRI Inc software product line have been used in the development of the interactive web application. The works on creation of a source geodatabase, basic and thematic maps development and editing, have been carried out in the ArcGIS for Desktop software environment. The initial preparation of the map web-layers (styles, signatures and display scales setting) and web-layers publishing are performed in ArcGis Pro. The ArcGIS Online cloud service and the ArcGIS Online site designer have been used at the final stage of the cartographic web application development. The requirements to the specialized online-product have been defined and the advantages of web-mapping technologies usage have been justified. The development of such product is performed by creating of an interactive cartographic web application (Web-App) on the ArcGIS Online platform. Web-App is complemented with and connected to the media-content (photos, illustrations, videos, texts). The Web-App’s functionality is ensured by usage of customizable widgets that not only provide the web-map interactivity (timeline map, pop-up windows etc.) but also give the possibility of map analysis (advanced search by the map objects, finding of objects within a given radius etc.). The collection of data on commemoration sites can be distributed among different state academic institutions. The database development is recommended to execute in digital tables MS Excel or Google tables / Forms which can be exported into attributive tables of spatial data classes in GIS. All the received information is processed and organized into the file geodatabase, consisting of the sets of object classes, for the purpose of holistic preservation and effective commemoration sites data management. The sets of object classes are created in the WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) coordinate system, which is used while creating web maps and web applications. Two databases are used for base mapping in the project: a basic scale of 1:100 000 for the territory of Ukraine and a basic scale of 1:10 000 for big cities. A demo version of the mapping interactive web application “Sites of commemoration of the Ukrainian revolution 1917-1921” for Kyiv city has been developed as an example of implementation of the processed Conception. Scientific novelty and practical significance. For the first time in Ukraine the development conception of the interactive web map “Sites of commemoration of the Ukrainian revolution 1917-1921” which is based on modern geoinformation mapping methods, have been processed in order to restore and preserve the nation’s memory. Methodological principles of the interactive cartographic web application, its structure and content development have been elaborated.
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