Method of creating WEB-GIS of polish burials at Kyiv Baikove cemetery

Faculty of Land Management of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Lviv polytechnic National University
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Department of Geodesy and Cartography of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Department of Geodesy and Cartography of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Department of Geodesy and Cartography of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Department of Geodesy and Cartography of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Elaboration of the method of creating a web-GIS of Polish burials at the Baikove Cemetery in Kyiv. Achieving this goal involves the following tasks: to develop the structure of the geographic information system, its framework and to fill the file database. For realization of the set tasks the technological scheme consisting of 12 stages of work is offered. The first stage involved the collection of cartographic and descriptive data on the territory of the object of study, as well as the search for possible registers of Polish burials within the object under study. In the second stage, field surveys were performed to determine the coordinates of each grave of the Polish burials at the Baikove Cemetery using a GIS tablet with an RTK antenna LT700H (accuracy up to 0.30 m). The total number of coordinated points was 565, which were concentrated in 7 sections of the cemetery. The third stage included the coordination of reference points and the binding of this support in the GIS MapInfo environment of the fragment of the topographic plan of Kyiv on a scale of 1: 2000 to the territory of the Baikove Cemetery. There were a total of 11 landmarks. The maximum binding error is 0.2 m. In the fourth stage, all point objects were displayed according to their coordinates on the basis of the map and the corresponding symbols were selected. The next step was to develop and populate a relational database for point objects. The database contained the following columns: grave number, name and surname of the buried person, grave coordinates and hyperlinks to burial information in the file database. Next, all map layers were exported to html format, and the point object layer was exported to kml format using a universal translator, which allowed to view burial data in GoogleEarth. At the eighth stage of the technological scheme the structure of layouts of each html-page of the created online GIS was developed. All map data had hyperlinks to the selected AOI objects. In the case of the Baikove Cemetery scheme, plots with Polish burials were marked. Clicking on them opened a topographic plan with marked point objects of burials. In turn, when you click on them, information about the burial appeared from the file database. At the tenth stage, 5 sheets of topographic plans with burials were generated. One sheet of scale 1: 2000 and four sheets of scale 1: 500, for better "spreading" and initialization of burials.  The eleventh stage is devoted to the creation and filling of a file database on Polish burials. This database contained the following structure: photo of the burial, coordinates, surname and name, years of life, additional photographs (if available), sex of the buried person, interpreted inscription on the tombstone, as well as, if possible, detailed information and belonging of the buried person to a certain profession, its outstanding achievements and accomplishments. At the last stage, the hyperlinks of the transition between the pages were configured and the system was tested. The scientific novelty lies in the development of the concept of joint use of various applications of geoinformation and non-geoinformation purposes. The technological scheme of creation of WEB-GIS of Polish burials of the Baikove Cemetery in Kyiv is offered. Implemented geographic information system is designed for inventory of burials, analysis of the condition of tombstones and their spatial location in the cemetery. In addition, the created GIS can be used for tourism purposes and in the study of historical figures of Polish origin.

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