Ukrainian interdepartmental scientific and technical collection "Industrial Process Automation in Engineering and Instrumentation" has the thematic orientation of the industry in the fields of engineering sciences " of Machinery's science ". Title of program subject area: 131 "Applied mechanics", 132 "Materials science", 133 "Industrial machinery engineering". (Article of incorporation: КВ № 13127-2011 Р. Date: 27.07.2007)
In Ukrainian interdepartmental scientific and technical collection "Industrial Process Automation in Engineering and Instrumentation" highlights the results of theoretical and experimental research in the development and implementation of automatic and automated production equipment for various purposes, development of new technologies and treatment details; formation and dynamical study of mathematical models of process equipment, instrumentation, control systems, advanced technologies, and so on.
The collection is designed for scientific, engineering and technical personnel of enterprises, research institutes, design bureaus, for faculty, graduate students, masters and students of higher educational institutions and is an authoritative scientific publication that covers the actual results of theoretical and experimental studies scholars. Included in the list of editions of Ukraine.