Problem statement and the research purpose. The implementation and use of mobile robots in the most diverse spheres of human activity is currently an urgent task. At the same time, ensuring their reliable operation and functioning determines their effectiveness to a certain extent. Using the appropriate calculations during the designing process of various machines, in particular of mobile robots, it is possible to increase the reliability and reduce the material consumption of the developed machine prototypes, and therefore to reduce the cost of its production and maintenance. Methodology of the study. For a small mobile robot with an electromechanical transmission, a number of calculations were carried out according to the developed methodology. The latter contains geometric, kinematic, dynamic, energy, technical and economic calculations, strength and rigidity analysis, and modal analysis of resonance frequencies of oscillations of the workpiece being designed. Results of the investigations. On the basis of the kinematic diagram of the robot’s electromechanical transmission, a solid-state model of the traction (driving) sprocket shaft of the crawler (track-type, caterpillar) drive was developed, for which the necessary safety assurance factor of the shaft material was determined on the basis of the schematized (linearized) Serensen-Kinasoshvili diagram of the critical stresses. Scientific novelty. The article presents an example of a modal analysis of a designed robot’s transmission shaft and determines the resonance frequencies of its oscillations. It was established that the most dangerous resonant frequencies for the designed shaft are equal to 11 Hz, 170 Hz, and 914 Hz. Practical value of the results. The developed technique can be effectively implemented while designing new experimental and industrial prototypes of mobile robots. Scopes of further investigations on the subject of the paper. Further research can be focused on the development of a complex methodology for calculating and designing the electromechanical drives of mobile robots taking into account geometric, kinematic, dynamic, energy, technical and economic calculations.
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