: pp. 64-72
Lviv Politecnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Politecnic National University

Based on the proposed structures of the consortium of protected type ecotones, mathematical model of tree diameter growth has been developed. It allows predict the index of the state. The status index of the last is one of the important parameters of the quality of forest plantations functioning. Quality indexes of CPTE functioning on the basis of the conducted experimental studies are specified and the criteria of their gradation are formulated. Consideration is fulfilled by evaluating the obtained results and taking into account the major physical and chemical parameters. It makes possible the most objectively classification of CPTEs quality and furthermore normalization of their characteristics. Constructive-ecological concept of the CPTE is developed.  Its structure is designed as an integral element of forest plantations of protective type which consist of several plant species different in height, texture, habit, and which grow simultaneously in close proximity, merging into one structural unit to protect the environment from railway lines.

Received results allow state that the problem of optimization of photosynthesis parameters for considered structures is solved. Moreover, the algorithm for predicting the trees’ diameter and height alterations of over the time depending on conditions of competition for light is obtained. The found parameters can be used to predict the growth of the trees’ diameter, of the plantations’ mass, and of the leaf area. This creates the underpinning pillar for prediction of one important quality parameter of the functioning of protective plantations that is the CPTE state index. The high mentioned the valuable instrument of the consortium of protected type ecotones state assessment.

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