: pp. 73-76
Ivan Kozhedub National Air Force University
State University of Infrastructure and Technology
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Application of multi-harmonic measuring signals for control of the technical state of dynamic objects is considered. Implementation of the traditional approach to the evaluation of the amplitude-frequency spectrum characteristics of dynamic objects, based on the application of generators of sinusoidal signal, requires a considerable complexity of measurements. It is necessary to set sequentially the control frequency of the object, technical state of which is monitored. Elimination of this shortcoming can be performed by application of multi-harmonic measuring signals. It is proved that the multi-harmonic signals with complex law of modulation of pulse duration possess the greatest functional capabilities for controlling the spectral composition, when the obtaining the necessary spectrum of the signal is achieved by changing the moments of switching its levels. The purpose of the paper is to obtain an analytical relation that binds the spectrum of the amplitudes of the harmonic components of a multi-harmonic measuring signal with a set of its switching moments. The methodology of synthesis of multi-harmonic measuring signals parameters is proposed. Quadrature formulas are obtained for determining the amplitude spectrum of a multi-harmonic signal with arbitrary law of modulating its pulses duration. In order to generalize the resulting equations, we have proposed an universal formula for computing the lower limit of the summation index for even or odd number of switch points. The article presents and solves the problem of finding an analytical apparatus that binds the characteristics of the amplitude-frequency spectrum of a multi-harmonic signal inherent in an arbitrary law of pulse duration modulation, with a set of values of switching points. The final equation for computing the amplitude of a multi-harmonic measuring signal is obtained. The forms of multi-harmonic signal with an even and an odd number of switching points are given.

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