Mathematical model of transient processes of DC motor with permanent-magnet excitation

: pp. 12-18
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Permanet magnet DC motors ( PM DCM) have an advantage over electromagnetically excited commutator motors due to their better energy performance. The application of analytical methods to study PM DCM requires significant simplifications, and the use of field methods is quite labour-intensive. In our opinion, the use of electric and magnetic circuit methods makes it possible to achieve the accuracy of calculating the PM DCM that is sufficient for engineering needs. The purpose of the article is to develop a mathematical model of transient processes in PM DCM based on the use of the theory of electric and magnetic circuits. The article proposes an equivalent scheme for the magnetic circuit of PM DCM and a system of equations describing it. There are given equations for transient processes in PM DCM and an algorithm for their solution, which involves the integration of the solution of the system of equations of the magnetic state at each step. The proposed mathematical model of transient processes in PM DCM can be used to analyze these processes, as well as in design. 

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