Effective algorithm of calculating the static modes of nonlinear electromagnetic circuits

: pp. 107-112
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Existing electromagnetic circuits are mostly non-linear, however known methods of analysis of the processes for those circuits do not meet modern requirements and it is the one of least developed parts of Theoretical Electric Engineering. Therefore the development of methods of analysis is an important issue. The article discusses the problem of developing the algorithm of calculation for static modes in nonlinear electromagnetic circuits with reactive elements under the influence of periodical disturbances. Those modes are dynamic and are described by the system of differential equations (DE). The solution of the system consists of periodic non-harmonic dependencies. The problem is solved by a numerical method as the boundary value problem of DE of the first order with periodic boundary conditions so that it is possible to get dependencies on the period of state variables without solving the problem in time domain.

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