Goal. The paper reveals geostructural conditions of foreshocks and aftershocks swarm location for the strong (M=6.6) Khailinsky earthquake on the south margin of the Koryak Late Mesozoic micro-continent on the northeast of Asia. The margin is an active junction of the continent and the Olyutor Paleogene tectonic zone and is manifested at the surface in the Koryak seismic belt. A swarm of earthquakes is located within the north margin of the Olyutor Paleogene tectonic zone. Methods. The research methods are: geological and geophysical analysis of regional (aeromagnetic, gravimetric, geological) surveys of 1:200 000 scale, profile (magnetotelluric sounding method (MSM), converted waves method (CWM) and seismological data). The methodological basis is the idea of fault-block dislocations of active margins of the Pacific mobile belt in the introduced by the author concept of the block-and-key structure of the earth's crust at the continent-ocean junction. Results. The investigation showed that the northwestwards swarm Khailinsky earthquake didn't associate with any northeast geostructure or structures. Foreshocks and aftershocks of the Khailinsky earthquake were located within the revealed Khailinsky fault. The deep fault (traced even in the upper mantle) is associated with the mid-axial line of the northwestern earth's crust block. The block is bounded by two transverse intrablock faults and is dipping from the middle of Paleogene. The fault at the surface fixes the maximum dip of all the crust layers at the point of their keels. Planed coordinates of the hypocenter are on the fault, the third coordinate at a depth is at the fault vertical column above the point of depth junction of two Mesozoic and Paleogene terranes Three coordinates of hypocenter of the Khailinsky earthquake are characteristic for the hypocenter of the Olyutorsky earthquake (2006). Scientific novelty. For the first time ever we made a proved systematic conclusion on association of the Khailinsky and the Olyutorsky earthquakes mechanisms with the fault dislocations on the keels axis of the crust layers of the dipping block of Olyutorsky Bay. The solution is absent in the literature. The practical significance. Association of hypocenters with an axial fault is also common to uplifting blocks of the crust margin. In this case, the fault reveals maximum stresses in the uplifting layers of the crust -the locks. The data evidences on association of the Koryak (1988) and the Alpinschule (2013) earthquakes with the locks and the keels layers of crust blocks, respectively. Perhaps further work will allow us to understand tectonic features of association of strong earthquakes of the Koryak belt.
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