Lithosphere heterogeneity of the Dnieper-Donets basin and its geodynamical consequences. Part I. Deep structure
Received: February 10, 2017
S. I. Subbotin name Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
S. I. Subbotin Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

Purpose. To investigate lithosphere heterogeneity of the Dnieper part of the Dniper-Donets basin and its stages after 3D gravity and magnetic modeling using the data of DDS, seismic tomography, geological structure of the Precambrian basement, and sedimentary cover for subsequent geodynamic interpretation. Methodology. Analysis of the 3D gravity models of sedimentary cover, crystalline crust and its magnetic model received using a complex program for interpretation of the potential field data (GMT-Auto) and for solution of the primal problem in magnetic prospecting. Results. Segmentation of the crystalline crust were previously performed and compared to the different stages lithosphere structure of the DDB and adjacent areas. General regularities of variation of crust thickness, its layers thicknesses, and crust-mantle mixture thickness were examined in the DDB. Uplift of the crust bottom conformed with basin elongation, depression of the Moho discontinuity out of the basin conjugated with its strike and butt end junction of Moho -discontinuity relief forms may also be related to such patterns. Crystalline crust segmentation correlates with the thickness of the post-rift sediments, basement relief, crystalline crust thickness, and fault tectonics of it discovers connection with faulting of subsalt deposits top. Deep crustal magnetic sources of the basin are not concordant with the deep magnetic sources of the Ukrainian Shield and south-western slope of the Voronezh massive. They have a different position relative to Devonian rift axis and relief forms of the crust bottom of Dnieper-Donets basin. Crystalline crust segmentation were found with varied links with the velocity heterogeneity of sub-crust mantle. Originality. For the first time it was established structure connections of the crystalline crust heterogeneity, its fault tectonics and segmentation with thickness of the post-rift sediment complex, and basement relief and fault tectonics of Devonian subsalt sediments, that reflects sediment cover forming as a function of crystalline crust structure of the basin. Crystalline crust segmentation does not have a single-valued connection with bottom relief of the present day seismic lithosphere. Exclusion is its uplift in the Lokhvitsa segment, that is evident in post-rift processes heterogeneity. It was concluded that according to rift system criterions only this segment may be regarded as a typical rift. Practical significance. Geological and geophysical peculiarities of different lithosphere stage structure were obtained, including the fault tectonicswhich  may be used for evaluation of oil and gas bearing in the Dniper-Donets Basin according to significant contribution of the abiogenous origin of hydrocarbons formed in the deposits.

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