The methodology of the complex analysis of strains and stresses for finite-element modelling of thrusting

: 116-127
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

The technique of the complex analysis of results of the finite-element 2D-modelling of thrusting is proposed. It includes visualization of elastic and plastic strains or stress tensor components and its invariants also: hydrostatic pressure, maximal tangential stress and stress ratio. The trajectories of principle stresses and lines of sliding are constructed for mapping of the compound stress state structure. We use Byerlee’s criterion for determination of the possible fracturing zones. If kinematic type and surface orientation of the main fault in this fracturing zone is determined (reverse fault, in our case) then it is possible to predict the evolution of the model. The modelling results of sedimentary rocks compression on the rigid basement are analyzed taking into account friction forces.

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