The concentration of total iron is one of the main physicochemical indicators of the safety and quality of tap water. The standard amount of the concentration of common iron in tap water is not more than 0.2 mg/dm3. In some cases, due to specific natural conditions and technology for drinking water preparation/treatment, this number may be increased to 1.0 mg/dm3. Excess iron concentration in the water adversely affects the skin, blood composition, etc. Prolonged consumption of water with high iron concentration leads to liver disease, causes allergic reactions, etc. The analysis of groundwater quality in the territory of the Lviv region shows the increased total iron concentration in water of some water intakes. However, even relatively normal spring water quality and satisfactory operation of pipe water treatment plants, cannot prevent it from secondary pollution in the distribution networks of the water supply system. The Residents of Ukraine use household filters for additional purification of drinking water, including cartridge type. The purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of the iron removal from drinking water with household filters of the brands Nasha Voda (Ukraine), BRITA (Germany) and Aquafor (Russia). An experimental research of the filters was performed to determine the dependence of the iron concentration in the filtrate on the volume of the filtered model solution. During the preparation of the model solution, water was used from the water supply system of the city of Lviv, selected in the area of S. Bandera street with a starting iron concentration amount of 0.02–0.3 mg/dm3. After being passed through 15, 15 and 2.5 dm3 of the filtrate, for the filters Nasha Voda, BRITA and Aquafor respectively in the beginning of the experiment, the concentration of iron in the filtrate decreased and reached the normative value of 0.2 mg/dm3. The filtrate volumes passed through Our Water, Nasha Voda, BRITA and Aquafor filters were 210, 350 and 80 dm3 respectively. The slow filtration rate of the water through the Aquafor filter made it impossible to carry out the experiment after filtering 80 dm3 of the model solution. Tested filters have shown positive results in reducing the total iron concentration in water. However, it is recommended to apply the known methods of ironing on water treatment plants of settlements for iron removal from drinking water, particularly from tap water.
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