
Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed Al,Cu-Pillared and Copper Doped Al-Pillared Bentonite

In this paper, mixed aluminum and copper pillared clays (Al,Cu-PILCs) with different percentage of Cu and copper impregnated aluminum pillared clay (Cu@Al-PILC) were prepared using a bentonite sample. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, N2 adsorption-desorption and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. The results showed bentonite had a main reflection of montmorillonite that characterized by basal spacing, increased by pillaring.

Захисна дія інгібіторів корозії під час репасивації алюмінію

The protective effect of chromate and phosphate inorganic corrosion inhibitors on the mechanically activated aluminium surface was studied. It was determined that the value of the electrode potential of aluminum during its repassivation in the control and inhibited corrosive environments was 100-400 mV lower than at free corrosion, which indicates the possibility of galvanic interaction between activated and not damaged areas of metal. Aluminium repassivation rate was highest in uninhibited and chromate inhibited solutions and somewhat lower in phosphate solution.