антенна система

Intellectual angle sensor for antenna systems and its metrological analysis

The design and electron-optical scheme of intelligent opto-electronic sensor of absolute angular position are proposed. The sensor is completed by microconverter for data processing to implement the detection and compensation a number of errors that caused by mechanical nodes of rotating mechanisms. The principle of the operation of proposed angle sensor are based on themethod of determining the absolute angular position using a code disk with one track. Pseudorandom code sequence of track is composed of different widths sectors.

Measurement method of electrical parameters of large dimension antenna systems

The method of measurement and evaluation of electrical parameters a larg antenna systems for ultra-high frequency bands is developed, that were not provided for the use of such antennas by their design. For ensure the necessary radio parameters in professional antenna systems (AS) use parabolic antenna reflectors with large diameters of 5 to 12 meters or more. The creation of such antennas require large expenditures for their production and metrological support by parameters setting.

Дослідження ефективності застосування нейронної мережі в системі керування нелінійними динамічними об'єктами

В роботі приведено структуру модифікованої рекурентної нейронної мережі Елмана. Змодельовано нейронну мережу в середовищі MATLAB. Проведено порівняння роботи нейронної мережі з ПІД-контролером в контурі керування антенної системи.