безпілотний літальний апарат

Development of a methodics for improving the accuracy of determination of spatial coordinates of object points during air surveillance from a UAV

Purpose.  Develop an optimal algorithm that will increase the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the terrain when using the aerial process applying an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Method. The minimization of function based on the condition of collinearity is performed, which clarifies the elements of external orientation (EZO) of digital images and leads to an increase in the accuracy of the spatial coordinates of the points of objects.

Development and investigation of UAV for aerial surveying

Aim. To develop an UAV for topographical aerial surveying goals, to explore its features, and comply with assigned tasks. Methodology. Scientists of the Institute of Geodesy in National University Lviv Polytechnic and manufacturers of Abris Design Group consistently designed and studied several models of UAVs, in order to create a perfect model, to make it possible to organize aerial surveying for topographical purposes. As a result of previous experimental work, technical requirements for the creation of UAVs were defined.

Metrology Tasks of Airphotoshooting by Remote-piloted Vehicle

This paper dwells upon the use of remote-piloted vehicles in the airphotoshooting of different areas. There is a need to process images automatically, for example, by searching the overlapping areas for stitching of the images. Air monitoring by using images can make qualitative changes in monitoring of the terrain, help prevent late decisions due to insufficient information base or data collection for expert analysis.

Analysis images from UAV on DPS "Delta" in the context of photogrammetric suitability for landscaping local significance

Development of air-technology, data communications and remote sensing involve the interest in applications of small Crewless Air Vehicles (CAV) in different  subjects of economy.

Hence the idea of the application of low-altitude images (taken from heights below 200 m) from crewless air vehicles for quick data updating of geoinformation of local (small) areas by photogrammetric methods.

Research of the method of data correction for remote UAV imaging of inaccessible areas in landscape architecture

As an important way to obtain the high-resolution remote sensing images, the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aviation remote sensing plays a more and more important role in the area of photogrammetry and remote sensing application. The correction of the UAV remote sensing images without the ground control points needs high-resolution attitude data. The original attitude data can be obtained from the UAV airborne GPS/INS.

Analysis of the results of the use UAV Trimble UX-5 for creation of orthophotomaps and digital model of relief

Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to analysis and research capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Trimble UX5 to create orthophotomap and digital elevation models (DEM), as well as identifying and addressing possible shortcomings in the aerial survey and processing of aerial photographs. Methods. Before starting aerosurveying conducted reconnaissance of the area.

Analysis of modern methods surveying in the processing large-scale plans

Aim. Analysis modern methods surveying of processing large-scale plans. Method. Creating large-scale plans is an important task in mapping Ukraine because the existing topographic plans eventually need to be updated because it no longer meets the current state of the area. The scope of large-scale plans are diverse: the development of general plans of cities and rural areas, landscaping and engineering training areas of cities and towns, drafting drainage and irrigation of agricultural land cadastre settlements and so on.