bodily harms

Features of leadthrough of medico-legal examination are from determination of degree of weight of bodily harms

It is considered concept and maintenance of medico-legal examination. Medico-legal
examination is described from establishment of degree of weight of bodily harms. Certainly
methods which are used at certain degree of weight of bodily harms.Outlined factors which
predetermine the errors of medico-legal examinations and methods of their exposure

Organizational bases of realization of medico-legal examinations of living persons

A concept and maintenance of medico-legal examination of living persons are certain in
the article. Scientific concepts over of medico-legal examination are brought. Medical
subdivisions are certain that have a right to carry out medico-legal examination. Basic tasks
are outlined and a list over of questions is brought that belong to the judicial expert for
determination of degree of weight of bodily harms. The order of realization of medico-legal
examination of living persons is described