boundary integral equations method


The dynamic problem of determining the wave field of displacements on the surface of an elastic half-space caused by the opening of an internal mode II crack has been solved. Using the method of boundary integral equations, a change in the amplitude-frequency characteristics of elastic oscillations on the surface of a solid body depending on the size of the defect, its depth, and the distance from the epicenter to the observation point was determined.

Mathematical Modeling of Elastic Wave Propagation in a Body With a Defect

The solution of the dynamic problem of calculation the wave field of displacements on the surface of an elastic half-space caused by the opening of an internal crack under the action of torsional forces is presented. Based on the solutions of the boundary integral equations, the nature of the change in the amplitude-frequency characteristics of elastic oscillations on the surface of a rigid body depending on the size of the defect is shown.

Research of acoustic emissions from the system of complanary cracks

The dynamic problem of the displacement field in an elastic half-space caused by the timesteady displacement of the surfaces of the system of disc-shaped coplanar cracks is solved. The solutions are obtained by the method of boundary integral equations. The dependences of elastic displacements on the surface of the half-space on the wave number, the number of defects and the depths of their occurrence are constructed.