
Content Integration Andmanagement Method of Information Resources Network of the City According to the End-user Needs

The paper of the method of integrated processing of heterogeneous information resources Web-systems for their integration and the subsequent management is described. A new approach to application and implementation of business processes for the construction of these Web-systems is formulated. The methods and software tools of content and information resource processing as the content life cycle stage inWeb-systems are developed.

The Methods and Means Development of Intelligent Systems Building of Information Resources Processing Using Ontological Approach

The article discusses the development of unified methods and software tools for processing information resources. The models of information resource processing are proposed. A new approach to application and implementation of business processes is formulated.

Application of Internet Marketing Methods for Web-resources Analyzing Within the Region

This article presents the content analysis techniques for online newspapers. The model describes the processing of information resources in content analysis and simplifies automation technology of content management. In this paper the basic problem of the syntactic and semantic analysis of content and functionality of content management services is analysed. The fast growth of global networking and online content-commerce simplified process of publishing and moderation of articles. As a result Marketing Intellectual System for Online Publishing was proposed.

Features method of content analysis of text data array web-resources within the region

In the paper the method of integrated processing of heterogeneous information resources web-systems is described. This method is based on the model of data description as a coherent combination of data values, rules of data representation, interpretation rules and data structure. The method involves decomposition of general process into subprocesses of data values integration, data syntax integration, semantics and structure integration. The advantage of this approach is that the integration process can be performed at data metascheme level.