
Hybrids of Cellulose-TiO2 for Environmental Application

This work is based on the combination of the acid treated-cellulose and chemically adsorbed titanium(IV) oxide on its surface to obtain a hybrid material for application in water treatment to degrade organic compounds. The photocatalytic property was evaluated in the degradation of the methyl orange dye. The photodegradation activity was higher using the hybrid obtained from the cellulose whose hydrolysis was conducted at higher acid concentration, which resulted in smaller fiber diameter, as suggested by scanning electron microscopy.

Superabsorbent Hydrogel from Extracted Oil Palm Frond Waste Cellulose Using Microwave Irradioation for Cadmium Ion Removal from Aqueous Solution

This research report facile approach on dispersion of cellulose fiber extracted from oil palm frond waste in a “green-solution” prepared by using urea and sodium hydroxide while the polymerization is carried out using microwave to form hydrogels. Effects of adding cellulose was determined by comparing the swelling degree between 0% and 2% cellulose hydrogel. Results showed that swelling ratio enhanced by the presence of cellulose. SEM images exposed that hydrogel with cellulose has rough surface compared to the hydrogels without cellulose.

Дослідження процесів біодеградації целюлозовмісних композитів у едафотопах рекреаційно-паркової зони м. Львова

 The biodegradation of cellulose composite in different edaphic conditions is researched. The research is conducted on a sample of biodegradable composite material on the bases of polypropylene filled with cellulose. Досліджено біодеструкцію целюлозовмісного композиту в різних едафічних умовах. Дослідження здійснено на зразку біодеградабельного композитного матеріалу на основі поліпропілену, наповненого целюлозою.