
Physical meaning of concepts "electrical charge" and "electric field"

In physics, as in other sciences, scientific results are often presented formally, without appropriate disclosure of their physical meaning. For example, in the discussion about interacting charged bodies the meaning of charge is not discussed. It is shown that the term "electric charge" in science is conditional and has an auxiliary symbolic meaning. In reality there is a "positive" and "negative" substance in nature. There is no any charge isolated apart from the substance. In fact, in nature there are a proton and an electron as a matter.

Replenishment of local budgets through the use of facil tation payments

The article substantiates the need to reduce the level of bureaucracy and corruption at the
level of local government by introducing facilitation payments (AF). Posted interpretation of FP,
its purpose and the criteria referring to facilitation payment, including the amount, frequency,
compliance with legislation and aim. In particular, the size of FP is important and in order not to
be identified with bribe its amount should not be significant that is why we offer the value of FP to