Чорне море

Spatial and temporal variability of pollutants in the bottom sediments in the northwest part of the black sea

The level of pollution of the bottom sediments in the Northwest shelf of the Black Sea is examined. Modern data are compared with those of the late 20th century and their variability over 30 years. Substantial increase (by two orders) of copper, lead and nickel concentration has been marked.

Gravity and magnetic data inventory for investigation of the Black sea region

The paper presents an inventory of the available gravity and geomagnetic data for studying geological structures and geodynamical processes in the Black Sea region. A short analysis of the compiled free-air gravity anomaly map from in situ data of the sea is performed. The geomagnetic data acquisition over the Bulgarian territory and western part of the Black sea is presented. Some new sources of the gravity and geomagnetic data from satellite missions are indicated.