
Phenomenon of globalization in the conceptions of the modern orthodoxtheological and culturological opinion

In the article, the phenomenon of globalization is considered in the light of the modern
Orthodox and theological opinion. The author tries to find an answer to the question – how,
according to the scholars and theologians, the processes of globalization and secularization are
interrelatedin modern society. Particular attention is paid to the ideology of «New Age», which
became the basis of one of the most common, non-traditional religious movements of the era of

The christian religion in the life and work of T. G. Shevchenko

Jn the basis of scientific, historical, philosophical and religious sources in the article analyzed the role and place of the Christian religion in the life and wod of the brilliant poet Taras Shevchenko, rating of philosopher of religion as an important factor in the formation of high morals and spirituality as an individual and all-people.

On the specifics of labor relations and activities in europe in the middle ages

The article analyzes the development of employment and relations of medieval European society. We also consider the impact of Christian norms in matters of work, the Middle Ages and Stages periods of employment and activities medieval shop viewed as a tool of progress of production, labor and the role of women in the Middle Ages.

Features of influence of doctrine of catholicism on state creative processes are in kyiv rus and Galicia Volyn’ State

This article is sanctified to the analysis of historical, political and legal principles of
Catholicism in Kyiv Rus and Galicia Volyn’ state. The main features of state-political
development of Kyiv Rus and Galicia Volyn’ state are investigated in the article. Attention is accented on a role and place of Christianity in historical development of the Russian state, and
also intercommunications of the Russian princes and Orthodox clergy are analyses with Rome
and Europeans catholic world in the context of influence of Catholicism on becoming and main

Biblical norms in civil law of Ukraine

The article highlights the importance of religious and legal norms in socially accepted regulation of social relations. It justifies features of the modern legal system development in the context of practical significance of its christian norms. The articles studies the influence of biblical norms on the formation of domestic private legal rules and analyzes their role in the formation of civil society and law-bound state.