computer networks

Development of a Method for Investigating Cybercrimes by the Type of Ransomware Using Artificial Intelligence Models in the Information Security Management System of Critical Infrastructure

In this article, the authors focused on analyzing the possibilities of using artificial intelligence models for effective detection and analysis of cybercrimes. A comprehensive method using artificial intelligence algorithms, such as Random Forest and Isolation Forest algorithms, is developed and described to detect ransomware, which is one of the main threats to information security management systems (ISMS) in the field of critical infrastructure.

Еволюційне моделювання і візуалізація комп’ютерних мереж у середовищі PROCESSING

Наведено дослідження комп’ютерних інтернет-мереж на основі концепції статистичної фізики складних мереж, теоретичні обґрунтування та симуляції з використанням математики як інструменту та мови аналізу, розглянуто методику та здійснено моделювання росту та структуризації локальних мереж, результати якого узгоджуються з емпіричними даними.

Modular network interface for distributed information navigation systems

A modular approach providing unification by dividing a network interface into the universal and special parts in the context of distributed information navigation systems is proposed. The main principles of such approach and its software implementation are considered in the article. It is shown that the efficiency of the modular structure of the interface of distributed navigation systems, including the development time and speed of data processing, depends on the techniques used for their implementation and tools of object-oriented technologies.

Ймовірнісне моделювання процесів кластеризації комп’ютерних мереж

In this work there is given the probabilistic visualization of modeling of nucleation and clustering of local computer network. The developed model allows the network to obtain images of different initial conditions and dynamically visualize the process of structuring.

Generalized model of the evolution of network ensemble in conditions of destabilizing threats

In this paper we have developed a new mathematical model for generating the structure of local computer networks and the generalized model for the evolution of network ensemble in conditions of destabilizing threat to solve the problem of the stability of networks to random and targeted attacks.