corrosion protection

Сorrosion protection with the help of inhibitors from renewable raw materials. Review

The article provides information about corrosion problems in the oil refining industry and the scale of losses associated with it. The causes of corrosion associated with the presence of sulfur compounds, hydrochloric acid and chlorides, naphthenic acids, etc. in oil are described. A set of methods aimed at reducing the corrosion effect of these components is given. The use of inhibitors is one of the most effective and widespread such methods. The use of corrosion inhibitors from renewable raw materials is becoming more and more popular.

Вивчення інгібування корозії вуглецевої сталі методом імпедансної спектроскопії

The inhibitory action of nitrogen- and oxygen-containing inhibitors has been investigated by impedance spectroscopy using commercial Armco iron in 0,1 M solution of hydrochloric acid with butanol. The mechanism of blocking effect of the studied compounds has been determined. Методом імпедансної спектроскопії досліджено захисні властивості інгібіторів корозії з нітроген- та оксигенгрупами на промисловому варіанті заліза Армко в 0,1 М розчині соляної кислоти з бутанолом. Визначено механізм блокувального ефекту досліджуваних речовин.