criminal activity

The mechanism of theft of others' property using information technologies

Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the mechanism of embezzlement of someone else's property, which is carried out using information technologies in the context of current legislation. The methodological basis was a systematic approach to the study of the mechanism of criminal offenses related to the theft of other people's property and the influence of information technologies. The main role was played by general scientific methods, historical, logical, comparative, generalization and classification, analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction.

Genesis of modern concept of corruption: aspect of criminology

The article presents a historical overview on the etymology of corruption. Proved that its occurrence is associated with the formation of the state and law, the formation of certain social groups who perform power functions.
Considered evidence of corruption in modern society. Studies of political, social, economic, legal and moral aspects of corrupt behavior. Generalized, that a corruption is various in the displays, that complicates formulation of universal determination of concept of corruption, which would contain all spectrum it essence signs.

Some essential characteristics of corruption criminal activity

In the article the various scientific approaches to the interpretation of criminal activity. In order to counter systemic corruption in Ukraine expediency corruption investigation of criminal activity as a specific form of social practice. In this regard, attention is focused in particular on the characteristics of a corruption crime, selfish, adaptive nature; purpose of obtaining undue advantage of its participants; specific ways of masking related to illegal use of capacity management; individual, group and collective level of development; regional and global scale of operation and more.

Research of problems of origin of the organized criminal groups: history is a right aspect

The question of origin and activity of the organized criminal groups is considered in the article. Certain basic tendencies of forming of criminal groups and their criminal activity. Separate historical sources and normatively-legal acts are investigational that defined the concept of the organized criminal groups. Basic progress of the organized forms of criminality trends are outlined.