criminal proceedings

Regulation measures to ensure criminal proceedings procedural rights in foreign countries

The application of measures to ensure the criminal proceedings among the most controversial in the procedural aspect in terms of choice and justification of the decision to use a certain specific event. In this article the legislative approach to regulating management software system in criminal proceedings procedural law of foreign countries.


Рrocedural management as a basis for the prosecutor's evidentiary activity in the pre-trial investigation

The article investigates the nature and content of procedural management as the basis of the prosecutor under preliminary investigation in the exercise of evidential activity. Making prosecutor activities to ensure the speed, comprehensiveness and impartiality of pretrial  investigation unthinkable without him authority to guide the investigation, which is that the prosecutor organizes and supervises the activities of the investigator with evidence in criminal proceedings.


Аbout mechanisms to ensure detainees rights in criminal proceedings: international experience

Protection and human rights and freedoms is the main task of every legal state. Of particular importance problem of individual rights gets in the criminal proceedings, which under certain conditions specified by law a person can be applied measures of criminal procedure compulsion. One of these measures that restrict the constitutional rights of the implementation of the criminal proceedings is a procedural criminal detention.