cyber-physical system

Security Methodology of Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things in Intellectualization of Infrastructure Objects

A multi-level structure of safe intellectualization of society’s infrastructure “objects – cyber-physical systems” in the functional space “selection – exchange of information – processing – management” is proposed according to the profiles – confidentiality, integrity, availability for “smart environmental monitoring”, “smart education”, “smart energy”, “intelligent transport system” and other subject areas.


The article explores the benefits and importance of predictive maintenance in Industry 4.0. It is a revolutionary ap- proach that analyzes data from cyber-physical systems to predict possible equipment failures before they occur and technology applied to detect early signs of a vibration problem on equipment. Thus, downtime is minimized and production continuity is ensured.

Methods of tracking an arbitrary number of objects in real-time on a mobile platform

The problem of choosing methods for tracking recognized objects in real-time for systems with limited hardware capabilities is considered. It was determined that for such scenarios, it is appropriate to integrate tracking methods into the device, bypassing data transmission via the Internet.

Existing methods of tracking an arbitrary number of objects in real-time are considered. Among the performance evaluation metrics, the following were used: MOTA, MOTP, F1, MT, ML, ID, and FM.

Cyberphysical system of watering with remote control

In today’s reality, the pace of people’s lives is much higher than it was 30 years ago and it is still growing. At the same time, the amount of information also growing. This information should to be processed constantly, daily, as soon it is received. Production volumes are also not standing still. Such a lively pace of life requires process consistency and continuity. And these processes must be provided by man.


The analysis of the concept of Open-Science Space is carried out. The existence of ways to achieve reproducibility and traceability of research results performed by a group of worldwide situated Cyber-physical system operators/supervisors is shown. Ways to ensure the efficient operation of Cyber-physical systems as complex technological nondemountable objects with high requirements for metrological characteristics have been studied. To develop the scattered cyberphysical systems, the portable stable-in-time code-controlled measures of physical quantities have been studied.

Cyber-physical System to Help Moor a Ship

A method of organizing an information cyber- physical system to assist in the mooring process has been considered in the article. It describes ways to organize the mooring of ships to the berth. The problems that occur during this operation have been listed. As the mooring process is labor- intensive and depends on the human factor, a system that will provide up-to-date real-time information to facilitate the mooring operation has been regarded. The structure and stages of development of the proposed solution have been described. The features of the selected elements have been indicated.

The Algorithm of Cyber-physical System Targeting on a Movable Object Using the Smart Sensor Unit

It is known that smart sensor units are one of the main components of the cyber-physical system. One of the tasks, which have been entrusted to such units, are targeting and tracking of movable objects. The algorithm of targeting on such objects using observation equipment has been considered. This algorithm is able to continuously monitor observation results, predict the direction with the highest probability of movement and form a set of commands to maximize the approximation of a moving object to the center of an information frame.


The main information parameters of the microclimate of greenhouse premises are substantiated, in particular: air temperature, relative humidity, illumination of greenhouse premises, soil temperature, soil humidity, the concentration of carbon dioxide. The cyber-physical system for vegetables’ cultivation with the regulation of temperature-humidity-insolation regime contains three subsystems, namely the subsystem of temperature control, the subsystem of humidity control, and the subsystem of insolation control.

The scientific heritage of Norbert Wiener, the founder of cybernetics

The scientific heritage of the outstanding American scientist, the founder of cybernetics Norbert Wiener is considered in the article. The basic stages of the life path of Norbert Wiener are given. In 2019, 125 years will be celebrated since his birth and 55 years since his death. All his life, Norbert Wiener has devoted himself to scientific work at such prominent scientific centers as Harvard University, Cornell University, Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and other.


Ensuring an effective state policy in the field of creation and functioning of the Cyber-Physical Systems (further – CPS) in Ukraine requires a detailed study of the current state and analysis of trends in the development of CPS, their types in the world in the field of agro-industry, the peculiarities of public governance mechanisms in the leading countries of the world and especially in the EU, improvement of regulatory and legal support on CPS in Ukraine, adopting national and international standards as national, on different requirements and technical characteristics necessary for the f