
The role of metaphor in the development in geographical terminology

The role of metaphor in the process of geographic reality cognition, particularly in the primary nomination by comparison, analogy is revealed. The spiral development of concept as metaphor: primary words-metaphors –“naive” concepts – logical concepts, is established. The significance of metaphor in modern processes of determinologization and transterminologization of geographical science is emphasized. The emergence of concepts, metaphors with extensive scope (megametaphor) is stated.

Ukrainian biological terminology in the aspect of semantic derivation

In the article Ukrainian biological terminology is reviewed in aspects of semantic derivation as a productive way of replenishment Ukrainian dictionary. The features of terminologization, determinologization and reterminologization and their importance in biological terminology are described.

Terminologization and Determinologization as a Result of the Inter-influence of the Language and the Scientific Picture of the World

The article investigates the interinfluence of the language and national scientific pictures of the world, which is revealed in the processes of terminologization and determinologization. Semantic changes that occur during metaphoric reinterpretation or metonymic shift in meanings used generally and meanings of terms existing in the language were analyzed. Peculiarities of newly created units were characterized as to the breadth of their meanings, presence or absence of estimating-expressive components.