ділова репутація

Positive assessment of a legal entity's activities as a personal non-property benefit

Annotation. In the article research of concept «business reputation» is carried out legal entities as participants of public relations. It is set that the row of the personal unproperty rights for legal entities, among that and right on inviolability of business reputation of legal entities, is envisaged in the article 94 of the Civil code of Ukraine. It is educed that business reputation is the personal unproperty blessing of legal entities.

Features of the formation of the reputation management system in the conditions of the development of internet technologies

Over the past decades, there has been a trend towards a growing interest of business representatives in their reputation and its impact on the results of operations and, accordingly, development for the future. Awareness of the importance and value of reputation among the leaders of modern business makes it necessary to find ways to build an undeniable reputation, strengthen it among stakeholders and use it effectively.