domain decomposition method

A parallel preconditioning Schur complement approach for large scale industrial problems

The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new strategy to improve the convergence and efficiency of the class of domain decomposition known as Schur complement techniques related to interface variables for the simulation of mechanical, electrical and thermal problems in presence of cross points.  More precisely, we are interested not only in domain decomposition with two equal parts having the same physical properties but rather in more general splitting components.  It is known that in the first case, the optimal convergence with good pre-conditioner is obtained in t

The parallel algorithm for solving problems of elasticity

Domain decomposition algorithm for solving problems of elasticity based on parallel computing is considered. The global system of equations for the entire domain is not formed and is represented by local matrices and vectors for subdomains using Boolean matrices of connectivity. The system of linear equations is solved by modified conjugate gradient method. The algorithm is implemented with C ++ using parallel MPI library. The results of testing proposed approach for modeling example are included.