
Determination of coordinates of unmanned aircrafts by means of kinematic projection

A methodology for determining the mechanical trajectory and spatial coordinates of unmanned aircrafts by means of kinematic projection is described.  The suggested methodology consists in the formation of two moving independent centers of kinematic projection by launching intercepting drones into space.  Electromagnetic radio waves emitted by unmanned aircrafts pierce an unknown flying object and generate two independent projecting rays intersecting at the place of searching a flying object.  At that, the instantaneous (at a certain moment) projection of the point of spatial location of the

Organization of work for a group of drones

Presented the basic theories and algorithms with the help of which common coordinated actions of a group of objects are achieved. To research the joint work of a group of drones (UAVs) capable of self-organization, using the theory of swarm intelligence. The method of organizing the interaction of a group of UAVs in the environment, by dividing the group into local subgroups, is considered. The proposed algorithm to prevent possible collisions of neighboring UAVs by recalculating the flight trajectory.